Month: August 2023

Blog Post Article
Climbing the Ladders of Life: Your Guide to Intentional Living

Introduction Life is a series of ladders against walls, each rung representing a step towards our goals. But here’s the catch – it’s not just about climbing those ladders; it’s about ensuring they are leaning against the right walls. In this fast-paced world, success isn’t just about the journey but also about navigating that journey […]

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Top 10 Tips From a Budding Entrepreneur

Background After 8 years, I feel I have come home. Physically and metaphorically. Having moved home from the UK in December, I have been very busy setting myself up as a solo dude, entrepreneur… To be fair, and full disclosure – a cash-strapped one. As anyone who might have had notions of working for themselves, […]

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Blog Post Article
Beyond Settling: Embrace the Power of Taking Control

“It’s part of the journey.” A phrase that’s become all too familiar in today’s world. It’s often thrown around when life feels like a relentless struggle, a constant battle against the odds. But is it really a statement of acceptance or merely a coping mechanism, a way to justify settling for less than we deserve? […]

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Blog Post Article
Why You Should Create a Compelling Vision For Your Future

Imagine stepping into your future without a clear vision of where you want to go. It’s like embarking on a journey without a map or compass, destined to get lost in the wilderness. Without a compelling vision for your life, you risk becoming a lost soul, wandering aimlessly without a sense of purpose. In this […]

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Blog Post Article
Embracing Acceptance: Liberating Ourselves from the Chains of Judgment

I speak to a lot of individuals, from diverse backgrounds, and a common theme discussed or at least declared, is that of judgement. It seems nobody is a fan of judging, either as the judge or the one being weighed and measured. But, after thinking about it for a while, I have come to the […]

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